Recipe Of The Day
Recipe of Day


Preparation takes about 15 minutes. cooking takes about 20 minutes.

Serving Ideas

Accompany with a tomato or cheese sauce for a light meal with a salad and hot bread.

Cook’s Tip
Gnocchi are best served soon after they are cooked. If allowed to stand overnight they become very heavy.

4oz chopped, frozen Spinach
8oz ricotta cheese
3oz Parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper
Freshly grated nutmeg
1 egg, slightly beaten

3 tbsps butter

1. Defrost the spinach and press it between two plates to extract all the moisture.

2. Mix the spinach with the ricotta cheese, half the Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Gradually add the egg, beating well until the mixture holds together when shaped.

3. With floured hands, form the mixture into oval shapes. Use about 1 tbsp mixture for each gnocchi.

4. Lower into simmering water, 3 or 4 at a time, and allow to cook gently until the gnocchi float to the surface, about 1-2 minutes.

5. Remove with a draining spoon and place in a well buttered ovenproof dish.

6. When all the gnocchi are cooked, sprinkle on the remaining Parmesan cheese and dot with the remaining buher

7. Reheat 10 minutes in a hot oven and brown under a pre-heated broiler before serving.

Step 1 Press the spinach between two plates to remove excess moisture.

Step 3 Shape the gnocchi mixture with wellofloured hands into ovals or balls.

Step 5 Gnocchi will float to the surface of the water when cooked. Remove with a draining spoon.

SPINACH GNOCCHI Reviewed by Unknown on 05:54 Rating: 5
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